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Keeping our SALES team selling - how to avoid being bogged down with administrative duties

Updated: May 7, 2021

Are you dealing with an unmotivated sales team? Is your sales team's performance diminishing? Are you losing money because of poor sales? If you are experiencing any of these, know that isn't an unusual phenomenon. Here are some of the reasons why your sales team's performance might be declining:

· Lack of coaching.

· Focusing on other job duties.

· No proper training.

· Job dissatisfaction.

· Lack of motivation.

· Inefficient skills.

· Lack of comprehension about how the business works.

There are several reasons why your sales team might be underperforming. Declining sales performance can cause huge financial losses to a business which frustrates sales managers. The goal of a sales manager is to ensure that their sales team focuses on selling and attain success. When the goals are not achieved due to low performance, the sales manager becomes discouraged.

Businesses try to cut costs as much as they can. As a sales manager, you can reduce financial losses by creating effective strategies that boost the performance of your sales team. Here are ways to avoid being bogged down with administrative tasks and keep your sales team selling.

Regular Coaching or Mentoring

No doubt, sales managers have a lot on their hands. This makes it difficult for them to follow up with their sales team effectively. However, for sales teams to maintain good performance, sales managers have to keep them in check always. Regular coaching encourages your sales team to perform better. It motivates them to boosts their skills, become more confident, and increase productivity. Studies have revealed that businesses that coach/mentor their teams experience annual growth of up to 16.7%.

Keep Training Them

Training helps to avoid problems and mistakes that may occur in a business. However, it's not uncommon that most people forget what they are taught after a while. Hence, to avoid this, sales managers have started encouraging continuous training. With continuous training, sales teams become experts, and the business beings to experience growth. Continuous training sessions should include previous lessons and new techniques to get things done effectively.

Use Technology or Automate Your Processes

Technology has made work easier to do. The sales process can be automated which gives time for other tasks to be completed. Technology also facilitates the sales process and makes the business grow faster. An advanced automated program that your sales team can adopt is cloud-based CRM.

With a good CRM, teamwork becomes easier. It allows the sales team to multitask without many hassles and improves their performance because of the lesser workload. Integrating technology into your sales process ensures that you don't lose money as your sales team can track and follow up every client.

Improve Company Culture

Good company culture can help to boost the performance of your sales team. Here are company cultures that can motivate your sales team:

· Make their job duties flexible.

· Create room for career advancement and development.

· Create a healthy physics work environment.

· Create a positive social environment.

· Recognise and reward employees for successful jobs.

· Celebrate employees' achievements and milestones.

Motivate Your Sales Team

More sales mean more money rolling in. Successful sales managers understand the significance of motivating their sales team. Motivation is one of the most effective strategies managers use to drive their sales team until they reach their full potentials.

Motivation strategies can be in form of rewards, awards, promotions, coaching, etc. Emotions can be contagious, so you can personally motivate your sales team by having a positive attitude towards them, maintaining enthusiasm, giving energetic vibes, and holding yourself accountable when things go wrong.

Create Healthy Competition

Creating competition is one of the ways managers boost their sales team's efficiency. While creating healthy competition between your sales team, here are a few steps to take;

· Let them know about the objectives.

· Create simple rules.

· Create clear and attainable goals.

· Make the competition fun by encouraging friendly banter.

· Reward the winner of the competition.

Create a Winning Team

Creating a winning team ensures that your sales team's performance keeps improving. Remember that increased sales mean increased revenue. Lead your winning team to achieve success through the following ways:

· Put in the time and effort to help your sales team achieve their goals. Even successful salespeople need support and resources to reach their full potential. Supporting your sales team with your time and resources can help them achieve their goals faster.

· Work with them individually to know the approach that works for each person bests. Just as people have different personalities, they are motivated in different ways. By working with them individually, you can help them maximise their full potentials.

· Create goals and monitor your progress. This will help you track your sales team's progress and make adjustments, improvements, and corrections where it's necessary.


Help Your Sales Team Eliminate Sales Barriers

Sales barriers can reduce your sales team's performance and hinder them from achieving success. As a sales manager, you should identify and help them eliminate those sales barriers. Here are some sales barriers that hinder your sales team from selling:

Not Being Able to Handle Rejection

Some people don't know how to handle rejection and are scared of being rejected. By working with your sales team, you can help them overcome their fear. Ensure that they know the product or service they are offering and can effectively communicate it to the customer. You can also help them overcome that fear by informing them ahead about customer concerns and how to handle them.

Poor Communication Skills

Communication is the driving force of a business process. Without communication, there's no business. Ineffective communication can make you lose sales. No sales mean no profit. Helping your sales team improve their communication skills can bring in more deals for the business. Sales team members should be good listeners and know how to hold conversations. Good conversations build relationships between customers and businesses.

Poor Social Media Strategies

Social media has become one of the most effective marketing strategies which most business owners use to promote their business. The exposure that social media gives makes business owners take full advantage of it. Social media gives credibility to businesses, creates a close relationship between businesses and their customers, helps them advertise products, offers, and discounts, allows them to get feedback from customers. Effective social media strategy can help you generate more sales.

Final Thoughts

Although it can be challenging to motivate your sales team to keep selling when you are preoccupied with other duties, you can use these strategies above to boost your sales team performance.

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