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Aligning your strategy with your company philosophies

Updated: Jan 16, 2023

Some companies typically perform better and become more successful than other companies. Why is this so? Well, the answer isn't far-fetched; they have good and effective business strategies.

Most companies that thrived over the years had strategies that aligned with their philosophies and visions. A business strategy is a plan created for a company stating the company's visions, short and long terms goals; business strategy includes the company's goals, product/services the company intends to offer, the target market, and customers. Your business philosophy is the set of principles and values that guide your business into achieving success. Philosophy can also be seen as company visions or mission statements. Your business philosophy can serve as the basis of the business' operation.

Hence both business strategy and philosophy have to work in conformity for a business to become successful. As you develop a business philosophy, it becomes easier to create business strategies that align with them. You can define your strategy as "solid" when all the assumptions made during the business strategy formation have been evaluated and tested to be accurate with evident facts.

Furthermore, it is critical to ensure that your business strategy aligns with the objectives and philosophies. A good business strategy provides a wide range of benefits; it helps you make sound investment decisions, guides you to prioritise projects appropriately, enables you to optimise resources effectively, and it allows you to generate maximum profits.

How to Create Strategies That Aligns With Your Philosophy

Here are some tips to create effective strategies that will align with your philosophy:

Set Clear Objectives

Create a long-term plan that is realistic and achievable. Include the type of products or services you want to create, your target market, and the process involved in building the business. Create business milestones, analyse them, and clearly state how you intend to achieve them. Layout your philosophies and visions and ensure that your business strategy conforms with them.

Evaluate potential opportunities

Analyse potential opportunities that may arise in the future and give room to take advantage of opportunities. Carefully evaluate the opportunities and make final decisions when you have enough data and facts to back them up.

Create Innovative Products/Services

Your products and services should be unique with clear differentiation. As you strive to be innovative in your business, ensure it aligns with your business's philosophy. For instance, recall when Apple introduced iPod; that was an innovative product. Apple already had a reputation for creating quality products, so even when iPod was launched, it was already perceived as a quality product.

Consider Economies of scale

You can remain competitive even with economies of scale. Offer quality products and robust customer care with lower prices. For instance, companies like Walmart have lower prices; hence, they have a large customer base, generating more sales and more profits.

Update your Strategy

The world evolves with each passing day; just as it changes, so do market demands change. Occasionally you will need to review your business strategy and update it if necessary. You should ensure that your business strategy is valid at all times. Examine and tests the business strategy in small phases; it's easier to recover from mistakes in more miniature stages than larger ones.

Consider the risk factors

Identifying risks is essential, as well as taking steps to mitigate the risks. Identifying and mitigating risks is a crucial step in creating an effective business strategy. For every new project or business activity, there are always inherent risks involved. Risks are inevitable in businesses; knowing how to mitigate risks allows you to give room for Risks.

How to Mitigate Risks

Risk mitigation involves creating plans and systems which help to reduce risks. Risks can be good or bad; here are a few ways to mitigate risks:

Risk Avoidance

Some risks may have negative consequences which can affect your business. Suppose you perceive that the Risk won't be favourable. In that case, you can decide to avoid that Risk entirely by analysing the Risk and avoid the consequence by restraining from participating in the business activity related to the Risk. You can create policies and systems that help the company avoid high-risk situations.

Risk Acceptance

Risk acceptance involves working with your team members to analyse the potential Risk and determine if the Risk is acceptable. This mitigating strategy is particularly efficient when considering the output of a project. Accepting the Risk helps make everyone understands the risks and the possible consequence of the Risk. For instance, there can be acceptance of Risk involving the cost of a project. In this case, the team may identify the Risk and create appropriate plans to reduce Risk, but they all understand the possible consequence.

Risk Control

Risk control is a risk mitigation strategy implemented by team members to control risks in a project. Risk control strategy works by identifying risks, accepting them, and making plans to reduce the Risk or the consequences of the Risk. For example, risk control can include; concentrating on management, project funding, or identifying flaws in team decisions. Identifying deficiencies in project funding helps team members gain insight into how financial resources are distributed and determine if there's a risk of spending more than the budget. The risk control strategy helps them identify risks early and take necessary steps to control them, such as cutting back on expenses or excluding costly resources.

Risk Transfer

Transferring Risk is another effective method of mitigating identified Risk. Risk transfer strategy works by transferring the Risk and the consequence to a third party. However, in the risk transfer strategy, all parties involved must accept the terms. For instance, in transferring risks associated with product performance, a production company can produce defective products and transfer the Risk by speculating that the issue arose from where the product materials were purchased. The product company then requires the seller to offset the cost and expenses related to the product defect.



Effective strategies are one of the foundations of successful businesses. Strategies that align with philosophies and visions are usually easy to implement. After creating your business strategy, be sure to share it with your employees and stakeholders. The business strategy would serve as a guide to the activities they carry out in the company.

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